Sunday, January 30


Tomorrow Mikey, Val and I are going to Santa Barbara, since he needs to do some work there or something. I'm not really sure why, but I'm Excited!
Also, yesterday I watched Kill Bill 1 and 2 again, with my buddies from Sequoia. It was nice. i don't hang out with them enough, i wish i did...

Today I got the coolest thing ever! My residents gave me a basket with some knitting needles and a book, Stitch and Bitch, wrapped with paper, where they had drawn and written really nice things... =) Awwww. They're SO cool! And, thanx to this book, I'm knitting me a pair or fishnets! Yes! I bet that's really what they intended. rofl. Well, I was supposed to go to Rocky Horror with some other RAs tonight, but i really did not feel like it ... bringing back maybe not so good memories... Anyways! I'm excited about this book and all the cool things I'll attempt to make. Muahahaa.
Betsey, you have that book, don't you?

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