Friday, January 28


So one of my residents might know of this fun blog.
awww. now i can't make comments about how hot Cal is, or how I'd like to do Jeff in a ... nevermind.
Yeah right.
It doesn't phase me at All! Take that!
Besides, i need to do Larc.
And my resident friend who found this is really nice, and i trust him, ...

Anyways! I was going to teach on Tuesdays, but then the mistake that was made was unmade, so I'm not going to... =( makes me sad, but at least Val gets to teach with Kiel. teeheehee. have Fun Val. =D Awww... I'll miss my good times with Kiel, though...

Fun weekend coming up! No plans, but i'm getting out. even if i have to take the Bus to Pismo or something.

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