Monday, February 7

Mardi Gras / Super Bowl

So this weekend was Exciting!
or not?
Nothing happened in Muir, other than getting a new TV in the TV lounge on Friday. That was really really nice, because our old TV had been broken for pretty much the whole time that we had been here. (swell, indeed)
On Saturday Casey and I went and worked out around 8 in the morning... our routine. We had extra time to do some weights too, which was really nice. Then Casey, Susan and I went to look at appartments. We went to Mustang 2 (which looks really nice, plus we surprised Mikey and Scott, and caught Tyson without a shirt, which was FUN) and then Valencia (which i think is too far away). So this week sometime i have to go down there and hand in my application, or somehow do it online. And we need to find a 4th girl.
So if you feel like living with us, let me know.
Later on i did homework, with Andy, hung out with Jeff and read Cosmo with Susan, then went to bed.
Sunday = boring superbowl and homework and Balis with Mikey! (yay)

All in all i didn't get as much sleeping and reading done as i wanted to...

Oh, and i think i hang out too much with girls. Like, other than Mikey, who do i hang out with, alone, well, i guess Jeff, but other than those 2, i don't think there are any other guys i hang out with alone. *shrug* oh well...

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