Saturday, June 3


Last day of classes = Over!
Soo, the past week has been quite eventful... Saw Xmen twice, did a crap load of CAD and then kinda relaxed for the last few days. Kinda. Not really, mind you. Yesterday was the Bike Happening, the 6th year aniversary, actually, and it was FUN. SO MUCH FUN! I wish i had known about this sooner! I don't know why i hadn't gone, well, maybe because 'everyone' is drunk. Not true. At the end, slightly more so than at the beginning, but still. Saw tons of old friends. Great fun.
Today Andie and I went to buy supplies for our BBQ tomorrow- the Landscape Architecture Olympics, which should be tons of fun. Oh I hope everyone comes. Enough people at least for us to beat the faculty! Oh, but most of them are coming, so it's going to be Great!
So yeah. The heat makes you nap. It's cute. And building models with Jeff is nice, because I haven't seen him all quarter. Sweet.

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