Saturday, May 6

Quick Recap:

Last weekend I was at Lake Arrowhead, where I met a lot of Larcs and had a great time. I swam in the lake, went hiking, ate good food, played truth or dare in a tree house, met a famous/dead Landscape Architect,... It was a blast!
I realized that (sometimes) people grow up, and also that there are cool firms in LA. (But yes, Mikey, i still believe that LA is a pretty gross place...)
Also, firms that there are firms that have a stick stuck up their behind. Nice mix of things.

I'm now listening to my iTunes on mix- I think I've heard All by Myself about 5 times today (that i can remember). Rofl.

Oh, this week was uneventful. At least I think. There was some sickness, whining, long nights,... I don't know.
So tonight I'm destined to watch a horrible Steven Segal movie with Mikey and Scottie. Score! And board games with alcohol? Like I need it. I'm crazy and have bad memory already.

And Pony called me. What a weirdo. Took him long enough. Bastard. I still kinda like him.

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