Saturday, April 8

Design Week = Over

Somehow I'm really glad. A lot. Oh man. I'm exhausted. If I wasn't going back to campus in an hour, I would just... I don't know. Not do something. Or sleep. Or read a book. You know the last time I read a book? Christmas. It's pathetic.
Well, Design Week went better than last year. Better group, nicer people, we got along well. Did we learn more than group work skills? Yeah, I think so. I got to know some people I didn't previously know at all. We had a blast last night, too, listening to Dane Cook and telling stories.
There were times of crying, too, though. Group conflicts, especially when it came to interdisciplinary work, and minor tragedies.
Brain fried. mmm... want fried bananas. or FOOD...
Roped Jeff and Logan (and Lindsey) in Rodeo. yay! ^_^
Talked to my marine who's getting married. YAys. And my best friend in Tucson is sick, but i got to talk to her yesterday, too.
And my snake gave birth to an unfertilized Egg!!! Sweet!

This weekend = a lecture tonight on something sustainable, environmental by Peter Raven (teh coolest, Director of Missouri Botanical Garden,,_Peter.html ... cowrote the Theory of Coevolution) then pony?
Girls night in with Andie's too religious roomates (and Smile and Nod). Potentially Yuen's birthday party where Suzy and I would dress opposite- my two skirts that are Sexy.
That's it.
Studio, probably. Sadly. =)

What's up with ponies, anyways?

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