Sunday, March 19

To annoy you further:


* Last Cigarette: Not yet.
* Last Kiss: um... other than my mom - last Tuesday.
* Last Cry: I don't cry. I'm a robot.
* Last Library Book Checked Out: Some Garden book for Advanced Planting Design.
* Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: Fun with Dick and Jane? painful.
* Last Book Read: Really read? Probably the Golden Compass this xmas.
* Last Cuss Word Uttered: *innocence* ^_~
* Last Beverage Drank: Milk!
* Last Food Consumed: an orange or something similar
* Last TV Show Watched: SNL last night. Huge letdown
* Last Time Showered: an hour ago? my hair is still wet
* Last Shoes Worn: My running shoes... but i don't run in them
* Last CD Played: The Red Violin soundtrack. yay violin!
* Last Soda Drank: Pepsi? A long long time ago. I don't drink soda.
* Last Thing Written: a name tag for my new mice, Seme and Uke!
* Last Words Spoken: "Are you coming back?" my mom left me.
* Last Ice Cream Eaten: vanilla, would rather have had pear. mmm pear.
* Last Crush: mmmm Mike
* Last Annoyance: Candy?! No candy?

Have You Ever…

* Stole From A Store: probably.
* Lied: No, i'm the most honest person ever. except for Tyson.
* Cheated On A Test: Yes! 2nd grade and i got caught. hahaha. =)
* Been To Another Province/State: no? lol
* Been To Another Country: look above
* Flown In A Plane: Last time we almost crashed. I hate the rockies and snow storms.
* Been To A Concert: Hell yes. I heart Sugar Ray! (i've been to others, no worries)
* Tried To Kill Yourself: um... slightly?
* Thought About Killing Yourself: well, duh.
* Got In Trouble By The Police: Got pulled over by the park rangers, twice, that counts, right?
* Gone Skinny Dipping: mmmhm
* Prank Called Someone: yup
* Called 911: No
* Been In A Physical Fight: not as much as Tyson
* Rode A Roller Coaster: Yes
* Wished You Were Someone Else: No
* Played An Instrument (Which One): Piano, violin, flute, piccolo.


* I Know: everything, almost
* I Want: a smaller cube. and candy. right NOw.
* I Wish: Mikey would marry me... lol
* I Have: a skirt on
* I Hate: the rockies and snow storms and almost crashing airplanes. bleh
* I Miss: A whole load of people i don't see often enough. Like Kolleen and Anna
* I Fear: death, a lot
* I Hear: The Prairy Home Companion on our old radio
* I Search: everywhere, and where's my PONY? (or swan, for that matter)
* I Love: Sugar and design
* I Ache: for some ABBA music!
* I Care: about my two new mice. hahahaha. for another week at least
* I Always: am busy
* I Dance: not enough. mmmm. dancing!
* I Cry: i'm a robot, remember? ( no i cry...)
* I Do Not Always: sleep or get enough hugs.
* I Write: emails to firms asking for jobs.
* I Confuse: some people
* I Can Usually Be Found: In Dexter.

N U M B E R - O F

01. piercings: 2- my ears... wanted more
02. tattoos: 0
03. height:5'8" or 5'9"
04. shoe size: 10ish
05. hair color: blonde
06. siblings: Erik (sweden), Matt, Juli, Ceri, Carl (Tucson & Boulder)


01. movie you rented: John rented Good Night and Good Luck. Too deep and black and white for me. (at least i didn't fall asleep)
02. movie you bought: um. Steamboy and that one with Leonardo DiCrappio. Both let-downs.
03. song you listened to: Lay all your Love On ME by ABBA (duh)
04. song that was stuck in your head: Honey, Honey (by ABBA)
05. person you called: Reijo. no answer =(
06. person that's called you: My mom.
08. friend you made: I would like to say Amanda from Starbucks at the corner of 16th and ... shit, i forget. Market? Close to Market. (Denver) Course, we only talked for about 20 mins, and i'll probably never see her again. Or maybe on Thursday! lol...

D O - Y O U

01. you have a crush on someone?: Hell yes
02. you wish you could live somewhere else?: Hell yes. not that SLO is bad. I'm just finicky... but you knew that already.
03. you think about suicide?: you friggin asked that already
05. think others find you attractive?: Mikey says I'm hot. I just assume Mike thinks so too.
06. you want anymore piercings?: YES... *cough*
10. you like cleaning?: yes, but not under orders. i hate orders
11. you like roller coasters?: YES. LIke Dancing.
12. you write in cursive or print?: SAN SERIF CAPITALS, PLEASE

F O R - O R - A G A I N S T

01. long distance relationship: i laugh at my silly attempts
02. killing people: against
03. teenage smoking: sometimes i believe in natural selection. =)
04. doing drugs: i heart chocolate
05. soap opera: The LUNCH!!

A B O U T - Y O U

01. Full Name: You should know my name. you've known me long enough. geez.
02. Eye Color: Blue-gray-sexy
03. Hair Color: Blonde
04. Height: stupid survey
05. Glasses/Contacts: Yes, and currently I feel sexier in Glasses! my EMO glasses!
06. Braces: probably should have. you should see my overbite.
07. Age: 20, tick-tock, tick-tock
08. DOB: August! Almost There!
09. Zodiac Sign: Leo. Rawr!


01. Favorite Number: 4
02. Favorite Food: currently (because i miss it) swedish blood pudding (who said i Wasn't a vampire?)
03. Favorite Drink: REAL pear cider (Upcider, preferably)
04. Favorite Book: umm... Catch 22?
05. Favorite Car: Something hybrid
06. Favorite Flavor of Chips: Apple
07. Favorite Flavor of Soda Pop: ? don't wanna drink you!
08. Favorite Cookie: Gingerbread!
09. Favorite Restaurant: Hessburger and Zetori- both in Helsinki... too far away!
10. Favorite Color: Henna or Raspberry (ish)

D O - Y O U

01. Have A Job: yes
02. Play A Sport: if it's not cometitive, is it still a sport?
03. Drive: Occasionally. i heart manual
04. Have A Messy Room: hahaha. to my mom's dismay.
05. Believe In Ghosts: Spirits
07. Like To Sing: Mikey and I in the car- you would know. But real singing too... =)
08. Have Any Piercing (Where): Ears.
09. Love someone (Truly): they should know it

T H I S - O R - T H A T

01. Pepsi or Coke: Coke
02. Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
03. Rock or Rap: mmm B-O-B-B-Y... lol, rather rock.
04. Pink or Purple: how dare you? I guess hot pink. although i look better in dark purple
05. Messy or Neat: mmmm messy. but neat too. both.
06. Hugs or Kisses: I'm selfish, i want BOTH. not from everyone.
07. TV or Books: BOOKS
08. Comedy or Horror: the White Zombie. Comedy.
09. Casual or Dressy: casual

R E L A T I O N // F R I E N D S H I P S

1. Are You Going Out With Anyone (Who): yeah, oh i don't know, MIke?!
02. Do You Have A Crush (Who): yes
03. Who Is Your Best Friend: At Cal Poly: Mikey and Suzy Q. Other places- Anna & Kolleen
04. Who Is Your Funniest/Funnest Friend: Abhishek is teh funny.
05. Who Is The Most Beautiful and Ugliest Friend: look! there's snow outside!
06. Who Is Your Most Trusting/Least-Trusting Friend: Stupid qquestion.
07. Who Is Your Most Smartest/Non-Smartest Friend: psh. we're all at Poly, right? hahahahaha. oh man. i don't know stupid people. and if i do, they work hard to make up for it. like me.
08. Who Is Your Tallest/Shortest Friend: Dan/Blake/Biter... Andie is pretty short
09. Have You Ever Liked Your Friend: yeah. HAHAHAHAHAHa. ok, everyone laugh with/at me... roflmao
10. Do You Have Any Online Friends: ew no. stalker. *cough* facebook *cough*

I should delete same questions. ew. oh well.
Mamma Mia was GREAT! oh man. Still listening to ABBA. =)

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