Wednesday, March 15

Oh yeah...

OMG I'm so HAppy it's Over. All of it. Shoot me if I decide to take 20 units again, ok?
So, apparently Tyson nearly froze to death this weekend. Guess what I was doing at the same time... nearly freezing to death. I was wearing 6 layers of shirts/sweaters/jacket to keep warm in Death Valley - place of HEAT (not cold). So yeah, tons of adventures in the valley of death with SCASLA- our Landscape Arch club. Andie, Mary, Kelly, Katie, Josh, Lindsey, and Kevin were there. We froze the first night to 22 degrees, the second to 16. Got pulled over twice, went hiking a lot, scratched up my legs (nice bruises), ate HOT DOGS(!) and Marshmallows, froze, relaxed, didn't think about school, ...
So, that was a great break. Wouldn't really Need this spring break. hahahah JK! Oh man, it'll be nice not to have to worry about food and laundry. And I might even work out, see if anyone notices (like you could after a week *shakes head*). On that note, Tyson is almost ripped. Similar to Jeff. mmmm Jeff. A few weekends ago I got to hang out with him and the rest of Muir team for a night. It was very swell.
Currently listening to: Now You're a Man. FUNNY song. You should check it out. "What makes a man? Is it the woman in his arms, just cuz she has big titties? Is it the way he fights everyday? No, it's probably the titties..."
Yeah, so tomorrow Mikey is driving me to the airport. I heart the Mikey. Tons.
ok, to packing...

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