Tuesday, February 14


I recently got a new printer- relaly pretty, large, sexy, all that. and more!
So i named him SISU. You Finns out there know what i mean- it's that extra umph, stamina, power,... something like that. Well, I've been printing now for about 4 hours, and i'm realizing that even though i flipped my images vertically i still might have to actually Cut my paper to be able to print correctly. Fun, huh? Yeah. so, not only do i not get my beauty sleep for Valentines Day (not that anything special is happening, i doubt my buddy will ask me out), but i also didn't have time to do my other homework. and write certain letters. craps.
But I still love you, Printer! I realize that the fault is all mine for thinking that 8.5x8 is a geat size for a paper, and it totally describes me. I should have a page in my portfolio that just says SISU on it. Like the back. Hmm.. i have time to edit it, because i haven't printed that portion yet. sweet...
Oh and this weekend- 3 day weekend. I want a ride up to the Bay Area with Jackie. I don't know if she's going still, though. we'll see.

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