Thursday, January 5

New Year

It is now 2006. Amazing. And today in class i wrote that the class i was in was 152. (Secretly I want to be a freshman...)
Colorado was great- snow, iceskating, skiing, family, Santa, kitty, hockey, stuff... XD
But now there is school and my friends...
School's hectic. I hate classes that require a car. But we did get out of class 3 hours early today XD
Coming back to the appartment, we realized that the heater wasn't working, the dishwasher was leaking, the vent in the bathroom does absolutely Nothing (yay mold). And then my roommate cooked fish and burnt it somehow, so the whole place smells like fish. Urgh.
I think I'm going to venture to the store and buy some chocolate and something to get rid of mold with (chances that they're going to fix the vent so that it works are small).
It's been raining here (well it was on Sunday and Monday). You know? Humbolt and Napa flood and our creek is flowing. We didn't have power for about 18 hours on Monday. My roommate Suzy and I went to campus and watched 40 yearold Virgin with my friend Daniel (from Denver). Awkward. Super Awkward. But funny in retrospect.
OOh. And Suzy says that I'm her best friend here. Yay.

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