Thursday, June 9

Star Wars 3- Return of Silliness...

First, read the post that Bjetsey had about the movie... (for lazy people- she said that it was a horrible movie because Padme had a silly role and then some more stuff...) This was my reply to her-
So, I thought your critique was a bit harsh, but then i actually saw the movie and it was true! The funny thing is that I was laughing through the whole movie... and I don't think that was the effect they were going for.
Also, the part where Obiwan is fighting Darth, 'defeats' him, and leaves him burning on the bank and walks away is so Stupid! It's totally like 007 movies and Austin Powers when they leave Bond (or Powers) in an easily escapable situation and just assume they will die... But i guess if he would have actually killed him there wouldn't be 4 5 and 6. *shrug* Amusing movie.

Almost DONE! Today I'm checking out abour 4 people and then Courtney and I are going downtown to get a present for her friend, and then maybe I'll get something for me. XD I Did pass 2nd year. Our staff is going to dinner together at Vista Grande Restaurant. I have to get their presents ready. Even though they are all really silly. *shakes head* Maybe I'll think of something better to get them at Downtown... and later on my band friends are coming to watch movies! I'm so excited! It'll be so much FUN!!!
Maybe i'll have time to sew my cloak. Today is the last day for that. After my first checkout. We'll see. =)

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