Monday, May 23

My English Prof...

I was reading his polyratings, randomly, and this was the best one:

Ice cold mack. Mark Roberts got game. As cold a cat as I ever saw. It isn't the streets, but he translates the pimp game to the class room. I took 302 as a sophomore, and per usual, I dusted it. A! Yeeahh! Anyway really, this player has an eye for nice writing. I dig that he emphasized clearness, but wish he didn't have to spend time teaching people what they should've learned prior. I know that taking his class gave another instrument to my arsenal, as a writer, and in dealing with womens. All the females in class love "Mark". They're all, "Hi Mark!" at the beginning of class. All, "Mark is dreamy..." I know he's married, but he is a PFL, a player for life!!! Oh, and homie's been supportive in my writing pursuits. Cool cat. Take his class. Smooth talker if there ever was. Take notes, observe, peep game.

Oh yeah. That's totally what I think too... roflmao.

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