Thursday, April 7

This Quarter...

So, I felt like I needed to rant and rave, and it gets old if I tell all of you this, because it'll seem like I'm a cry-baby or some ungrateful complaining person. (Which I guess is true to a degree)
Well, lemme tell you why this quarter will be difficult or just plain sucky:

1. Our trip that we are taking this weekend to the Bay Area.
a) Stanford (i dislike Stanford with a passion)
b) paying for gas and hotel and food and admission to some gardens in Napa ($9)
c) Practically going to school on Saturday and Sunday
d) Missing English 145- Argumentative writing - Best teacher Ever!

2. Our trip to Las Vegas the last weekend in April
a) Money
b) I HATE Las Vegas (a lot times 2)
c) I had planned to go down to LA to meet Kolleen (who I love, and haven't seen in 3 years!)
d) driving there
e) missing LOADS of school days. (Less English teacher *tear* )

3. FAnime - Memorial Day Weekend
a) money for hotel and gas
b) finding someone who will drive me there...
c) getting back before DEAD Week
d) Did I mention that it's the weekend before Dead Week? Loads of projects due!

4. Duty Schedules
a) I'm scheduled for 5 of the 7 remaining weekends that I will be here at Poly
b) I'll have to make up for those days that I'm in Las Vegas
c) Normal week duty's are on Tuesday and Wednesday, making them my hell days
d) not being on duty will Brian. =( I miss Brian!

5. School Schedule-
Mon 8-3
Tue 11-5,7-mid
Wed 8-2, 3-mid
Thurs 12-2
Fri 8-2

(7-midnight is when I'm on duty, can't leave Muir...)

6. no time for lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Wed, and Friday until after 3 or 2, which is WEIRD for me. I am a hungry person. I eat a LOT.

Otherwise! I'm totally happy. I have friends, ok health, a job, food some of the time, sunshine and sometimes beach! (haha! take that! Cali rocks)
I'm excited for the not being an RA for almost a week (Las Vegas) and the summer and my Horticulture Internship! Yeah! =)

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