Saturday, June 9

Istanbul not Constantinople

All of my life I have wondered where Marshmallows come from, and now i know. It is not some invention of a sugar crazed American, but some crazy Turk. That's right, Turkish delight contains the sweet sweet substance of Marshmallow!

My week in Istanbul taught me a lot about the eastern culture and their people. I have never been so singled out or noticeable in my whole life. Ever. As I walk down the deserted streets of Nurtingen, I realize how empty it is without being called Pretty Woman, Princess, and Barbie every few meters. The sellers could be a bit pushy, but the rest of the people we hung out with were SO NICE. Also, the traveling crowd at our hostel were sweet as well.
I was finally reunited with my friend Kolleen, my best friend from Switzerland. All the crazy pictures that we have of each other and of all the friggin awesome Mosques that we went to don't even begin to describe how much we Laughed.

Here's a picture of the Hippodrome, or what's left of it, with a really cute Turkish seventh grader. Sometimes i wish my camera had more pixels so that you could clearly see his happiness of being photographed by Me. Man, i should have taken a picture with him. Make his day... it definately made my day.

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