Saturday, November 12

Stupid survey... gee thanx Val XD

10 years ago (1995):
1. 5th grade in IMR in Täby, Sweden
2. Did stuff... like... uh... what kids do...
3. Had scary premonitions of moving to the States and Australia... hahahah! jk... i had no clue
4. I bet I was in choir and dance and played my violin and stuff like that
5. I ate good swedish food that i would later miss... =(

5 years ago (2000):
1. Was in 9th and 10th grade in University High, Tucson, AZ.
2. Still liked going to school.
3. watched Austin Powers 2 and Liked it.
4. taught little kids Swedish.
5. Missed Sweden and Swedish food in general

1 year ago (2004):
1. First ever Throw-fest!
2. Considered being an RA, then later in the year did it. (Yeah Muir!)
3. Went to Finland for the summer... ooh man, that was fun.
4. went to Finland for xmas to visit my grandparents
5. realized the love that dare not speak its name, um... Studio?

Yesterday I:
1. Got up at 9 and did Data Entry! Yeah! (for the Cali Health Dept)
2. Hung out with Jackie! (and later Laura and Julie and Napoleon) - we sewed stuff
3. Hung out with Suzy- watched Big Fish- Such a cute movie!
4. Went to Yuen's party- roflmao. Yuen does the lawnmower (and it's FUNNY)
5. Saw some friends at the party, Johnny is so Cuddly! Like bear.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Ice cream - even though i don't consider this a snack
2. Pears!
3. Carrots...
4. and honey. sugar. you know. (I'm a horse, can't you tell?)
5. (swedish candy?)

5 songs I know all the words to:
1. Anything by ABBA. Oh yeah. =)
2. Phantom of the Opera
3. Satumaa
4. Waltzing Matilda
5. Baila

5 things I would do with 100 dollars:
1. Go get Bali's with Mikey (it would have to be a Sunday)
2. Probably take Mikey out to lunch or something - i owe him
3. Buy something cheap from Forever 21, or a pair of shoes (or some sewing stuff)
4. Pretend that it would cover a whole ticket to Tucson or Denver...
5. Just buy some supplies for class... like what, 5 markers? that's about $100... hahahah.

3 places I would run away to:
1. Basel
2. Tucson
3. Storuman (roflmao...)

1 thing I would never wear:
1. Uggs

5 favorite shows:
1. Zorro
2. Xmen
3. That show i watch with my dad on Thursdays... i forget what it's called.
4. SNL
5. Mad TV (can you tell these are all shows that are... old, or were good years ago? yeah, that's because I don't watch TV anymore)

5 bad habits:
1. procastination
2. Speaking when not spoken to
3. mumbling
4. apparently my storytelling sucks. i need to work on that. i get people confused Really easily.
5. assuming that people know what I'm talking about. or that they're interested.

5 joys:
1. Being with friends, kids, coworkers,... ^_^
2. Music related stuff- listening, singing, making, dancing, ...
3. Design
4. Crafty things- building models (not stupid box ones), sewing, knitting, crocheting, old lady stuff
5. biking, iceskating, snowy stuff, watery stuff...

5 fictional characters I would date:
1. Fiyero, for sure!
2. Scott Lancaster (HAHahahahahaha)
3. Alucard (teehee)
4. Ed if he were 5 years older (Fullmetal Alchemist)
5. a whole bunch of characters from Bleach. They're just really hot.

5 people tag to do the survey are:
1. VAl- do it again! hahaha jk.
the rest? whoever wants to! Haha! I beat the survey! =)

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