Tuesday, October 11

What would Gaudi do?

So design is extremely time consuming. Ginormous project due next Monday and I'm Kinda done with my base plan. Kinda. Not even Really. I wanted to put a huge Bunya Bunya (Aracauria bidwillii) in the center of my food plaza, but realized that it would be potentially deadly to all that sat underneath. Lol. Andie was thinking of putting a skull in hers. It would be the same in a way. I just need more ideas! If Mikey were here... (he's in Honduras).
It's snowing in Colorado- I70 was closed all the way from Denver airport to Kansas! Rofl. 7 inches in Denver itself. XD Guess who had to shovel snow today? Not Moi! We still have nice breezy weather in the 70s (not to mention that 2 weeks ago it was 100 for a few days- crazy).
My friend Zuzanna from Tucson was going to school in New Orleans, so she's now in Mexico City for a semester. How cool is that?
Final note- Feijoa sellowiana tastes Yummy! I'm going to make Jam or Jelly or whatever with tons of sugar. ^_^

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