Friday, September 2

The lab results came back fine. I am officially not anemic nor am I other things which might be considered bad by doctors. ^_^
Tomorrow life starts being chaotic again- pack pack pack, call people to make sure i have somewhere to live in Tucson, fix last minute things about our appartment (i am responsible for electricity- yay), and hang out with one of my favorite Coloradans. This weekend will also be filled with much of the same, unless I can convince that Coloradan to hang out with me more, or something. Wouldn't it be convenient to be kidnapped for just a day? I did not suggest it, though. Wouldn't mind going swimming. In lakes. or sleeping outside. camping in my backyard would be fun times. even alone. XD
Well, after a week in the AZ heat i will migrate to Cali, where i will spend the week before school in the Bay Area lounging around. If you wanna hang out there, let me know.
I'm going to miss this summer a lot (like always). THis is the first time I've actually spent some Real time here in Colorado, and I really like it. I actually think it beautiful, comparable to Europe in some ways (except the mountains - i'm not used to them yet).
Coming back to school will be a welcome change, though, because as much as I want to stay here forever and mooch off my parents, I love school and all you people over there! If I could just have both at the same time. You know what I mean.

My hand is hurting from pre-arthritis or pre-tennenitis (sp?) or pre-LARC-all-night-long.
Night calls.
Ciao for now

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