Friday, July 1

Summer Update!

Work is Awesome.
This week we worked in the Conservatory and in the different green houses. The Orchid house is so amazing! the Conservatory is like a part of the rainforest- except really unrealistic. I almost stepped on a toad and squeeled. =) The best part about the Conservatory is the guy in charge- Luke. I have the Biggest (and most useless) Crush on him! Of course he's too old, too mature, and too taken for me. =\ But we're good friends. Or friends at least. I drive him home sometimes. *wink* no jk. no wink. Nick, the other guy I work with, is really Nice. And smart, and funny, and well mannered. Not attractive to me, though. We don't really agree on music, either. teehee. *Sigh* I hope we'll keep in contact, or that i'll see him after this summer. I also work with Glenda, really nice gal. We carpool together most of the time, which is great for Raul. He likes Glenda. =)

So further plans-
I'm going to Tuscon this summer to visit my friends there, some which I haven't seen in 3 years! It'll be GREAT! I just have to figure out when and how. When is more important, because I know I'll have somewhere to stay, just getting around is more difficult... *shrug*

I've been talking about going to Germany next summer to see the World Cup. All I need is to convince my parents. Anyone care to join me? I'm pretty sure I know people in the main cities where I'll be staying, and traveling around there is super easy.

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