Tuesday, June 7

And now to read for fun...

So I have loads of time to do stuff now.
I guess I could pack.
I was thinking of reading some Landscape Architecture or Gardens Make Me Laugh (James Rose, my HERO).
Or sewing my cloak.
Funny thing is that by the end of today, I'm pretty sure I'll have none of it done. *shrug* I still have tomorrow until serious packing should be done...
I have 15 more pictures on my disposal camera. Is that enough? I think not. If I could take all the pictures I wanted to, well, I could take 65 a day... Maybe I'll have time tomorrow to go downtown and buy another one. From somewhere I seem to have the money. ^_^

So, if you have time, we should hang out. I think that pretty much everyone who reads this has not hung out with me enough lately (in my opinion). XD Yes, Tyson, you too. Remember those babies you promised me? (well, he didn't really promise, I did...) We should get to it, before I need to check out all my kids (Muirons).

Here's a list of stuff I'm doing this week:

Today- Dinner at lighthouse with Susie Q, Casey, and NOA(!!!)
Tonight- Packing? Sew Cloak? Visit Lindsey(?)
Tuesday Morning- 'Studying' at the pool, return books to the library(?)
Noon- Downtown with Suzy Q, creek...
Late- dinner at Lhouse... dressed up as something, i'm sure. Maybe princess
Wednesday- Nothing?
Wednesday night- duty and my friend promised to come and visit. (yay)
Thursday- check kids out
Tursday night- dinner with Muir RAs and Mary, duty
Friday- check out kids
Friday night- dinner with all the RAs- totally dressing up for that
Saturday- checking kids out
Saturday night- MY MOM IS COMING!!! YAY!!!
Sunday- checking kids out
Sunday at 5 pm- DRIVING HOME!

Can you see the trend? Yes, good job, Checking kids out.
Yeah, so bother me, call me, distract me, do SOmething with me, because I will miss YOU!

Listening to: Blue Eyes Garden State Soundtrack

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