Thursday, March 24


rado or rAdo? i think a as in car not A as in cAt.
Anyways. Making my Fanime costume- it's of Psiren from Full Metal Alchemist.
Got my nails done. that was exciting.
Going to Denver tomorrow.
I AM BORED. err... i mean, i have tons of things to fill my time with. Like kicking my sewing machine,...
Ikea has a new stuffed animal- a dragon. I'm gonna get one eventually and have it on my bed, on my couch, or hang it illegally from my ceiling. yay =)
Stuff i've done in the past 4 days- read some of my book and played some violin and watched some Looney Toons (got 2 DVD sets for xmas) hung out at the lake for a while got my hair cut, nails done, went to Hobby Lobby, drove around, biked to Boulder (almost died), watched trailers at, talked seriously for maybe the first time in a while with one of my friends who happens to be a resident who likes me (oops), watched SPUN (REalLy disturbing. i will Never do drugs. *shudder*), many Finnish movies, danced around my house naked, slept in my favorite chair in a ray of sunlight, made pancakes, had a semla, decorated for Easter, sparred with Bella, hung out with Pars, talked to my best friends on the phone for more than an hour (x2), ate Laaaaaaamb, dinner with sis & rory, listened to All for you (sister hazel) and Eskimo (Damien Rice) waaaay too much,... plus some other stuff.

Welll... for those of you who read this, i guess i'll have nothing to talk to you about when we get back to school. oh well. Have a great rest of the break everyone! ^___^

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