Monday, November 5

Happiest Place on Earth

YEsss.... I admit it. I'm a fan. The moment I step out of the car in the ridiculously large parking lot with WIDE walkways to the escalator, I just break out in the most ridiculous smile EVER. It's like I'm a magnet to all the happy molecules in the world.

Back to real life, TV makes me sad -
"Real people, just like you, are losing Real weight." Good. Wouldn't want to lose Unreal weight...

Sunday, September 30


when I mentioned being deathly sick a month ago, I really just had strep throat. No biggie.
I just realized I hadn't told my community of quiet observers, even though most of you already knew, considering most of the hits here are from my parents checking the weather. (yay)

So for those few that are not my parents (hi Betsey!) i'm back in school, pretending to do work, having horrible internet connection in my room, hanging out with my roommates and doing homework at the same time, working on convincing a crapload of people to go study abroad, trying to figure out why all my friends graduated. Stuff like that. In connection to aforementioned list, I'm striving to make a group of friends that is not Larc/house based. Mikey doesn't count. So far I have Amy with whom I work. We almost hung out once. There is Dan from Livermore. We have yet to eat lunch together. Tyson always has class or his 80 mile biking trips. Otherwise? Some random guy in class told me to have a great weekend, and I was surprised, because it was the first time we talked, and i had just fallen asleep in class (there was a movie, and i got the gist of what happened), and not even my friends wish me a nice weekend. We're just like, see you in Studio tomorrow!
So yeah.

Now for the quiz-
Who said the following:
I'm a firm believer in ...
I'd like a G&T
Wouldn't it be neat if you ...

a) Mary G
b) Jeff Y
c) Gary C
d) Omar F

Tuesday, August 28

And as the moon

turned to blood, ...
I'm too tired to make up a cool sentence, but hey. That was neat. Val and I watched it together from different parts of the US and A. Go us. Otherwise, life is good. Our house smells of beets. sexy.

Monday, August 13

Little did she know...

Just saw Stranger than Fiction, and that's just the kind of book I would write. Dorky IRS guys are hawt.

Monday, July 30

Wetter ist freundlich.

Friday, July 27

and the reason

i'm happy to come back to Colo-
at least our manipulated vegetables last more than 3 days.
friggin broccoli

It hurts

throat, Nose
everywhere, mostly a kind of burning feeling. everywhere.
(ate a piece of bread and some melon, potato)
numb hands and lips (pretty exciting)
(ate 2 pieces of bread, some rice around 9pm)
numb lips and throat and tongue
crappy nose
(ate yogurt and a slice of 'cake')

what's next? knee?

Wednesday, July 18

I know you're not reading this

and I know that it's finals time, you have a lot of shit to do, other friends to hang out with,...

but i'm leaving in less than 2 f'n weeks!
(sorry for the harsh letters)